CELEBRATE the CEO's of Sedalia Designs Birthday Month - WIN

CELEBRATE the CEO's of Sedalia Designs Birthday Month Come, Celebrate the CEO's (Marcy Newman Schoenborn) Birthday Month! At the end of October. 20 Pieces of Jewelry will be Given Away. EVERYONE IS ELIGIBLE to WIN! Just go to Sedalia Designs click on this Link to go and Enter: https ://my.sedaliadesigns.com/CeesFashion and follow these Instructions to Enter Click: (Happy Birthday to our CEO Giveaway) To enter: Please follow rules: (rules not followed disqualifies your entry) 1a. In Comment Section say "jewelry drawing"! 1b. In Comment Section list who referred you, or if you are a Consultant or Personal Shopper with us already. 2. Be sure your email you enter is correct! 3. 1 entry per person is allowed! **winners will be invoiced a shipping charge at the rate of min for the country they reside in. Good Luck!